divendres, 23 de maig del 2008

Hard working Friday

We are working as a team today. Andrei, both Mutelica and Stroilescu, are translating the restaurant menu into English. Xisca is helping them. Jordan and David are giving support with digital devices needed. Tsetso is drawing some stuff for the restaurant blog. He has also drawn other things like this pattern for a tatto you can see beside this text. A real fireball!!

divendres, 16 de maig del 2008

Another Spring Signs comic

Rachid and Boris have drawn and written (with some help) this nice comic about the spring.

dijous, 15 de maig del 2008

Spring Signs comics

We got inspiration from a mini comic published by McSweeney's in the USA and the pupils developed their own min comics explainig some of what they consider "spring signs".
Enjoy them.

We've got a new Aula Oberta Blog

Since the 3rd term began, all subjects involved in the Aula Oberta Fire Project will load stuff in our new blog
We encourage you to click the previous link.

dimecres, 30 de gener del 2008

Our own train

Rachid has drawn this train and Jordan has painted it.


We have studied the causes of desertification today. We have written a layout about them:

1. Naturals Causes:
1.a. Climate
1.b. Natural forest fires

2. Causes related to human action:
2.a. Overgrazing
2.b. Overcultivation
2.c. Deforestation
2.d. Urban and industrial activities

dimarts, 29 de gener del 2008

We are drawing each vehicle to build a brand new webplace to host all the material related to land.
David has drawn this van.